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LeClasp Fundraising Division

(Associations, Foundations, Not-For-Profits, Schools, Leagues, Teams, etc.)


LeClasp and Fundraising

 6a) Intro      -  Are you planning a fundraiser?

 6b) Step #1 - Set a financial objective

 6c) Step #2 - Approach sponsors in your


 6d) Step #3 - LeClasp sells like hot cakes to


 6e) Step #4 - Calculate LeClasp Sales

                       Break Even Selling Price Point

 6f) More       - LeClasp Cost-per-impression

 6g) Download Flier



Step #2 - Approach Businesses in Your Community


Every year small, medium and large companies budget thousands to millions of dollars trying to attract prospective and keep current customers with advertisements in mass media (such as television, magazines, radio, local\national newspapers, circulars and billboards) and promotional product promotions(business cards, special coupons, giveaway caps, pens, t-shirts, golf balls, etc.).


The local business communitywill endorse your cause if you put forward a cost-effective way to get their message across.


Simply put, why not offer to actively promote their company products and services DIRECTLY to YOUR LOYAL fundraiser group for a contribution to the cause?  That is, you, your group, volunteers, supporters, sponsors, donors; and the parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.


Prepare a list of as many potential corporate sponsors located on the main road and industrial park in your town or city.


Introduce yourself and your group and bring up as many reasons to contribute to your cause that, regardless of the sponsorship levels, will benefit the Corporate Sponsors, including:

Marketing presence and name recognition on printed literature and website for their contribution


Building opportunities and loyalty from group members


Demonstrate and active contribution in the community and build goodwill


By networking with as many group members, the sponsor will have direct or indirect access to the leaders in the community


Invitation or reduced fees for the gala


Etc., etc., etc.

Remind the Corporate Sponsor you and your group are asking for a small percentage of the ANNUL sales and marketing budget.


Using LeClasp as the fundraiser product, here's is an example of a 3 to 4 Level of Corporate Sponsorship Program illustrating specific benefits inherent in each level:


GOLD CORPORATE - $2,500 and above


LeClasp can be decorated with an ad message (logo, slogan, website, telephone #, etc.) in two (2) locations - Front and opposite Back Sides: 


Print on the Front side the group, school, association, foundation, team, church or GOLF TOURNAMENT logo. 



Why not share the

spotlight with a 4th

"Platinum" corporate

sponsor ?


Stack and print on the opposite Back side up to three (3) GOLD Corporate Sponsorship logos.

Ideal GOLD Corporate Sponsor candidates include Fortune 500 companies, large employers in your town, banks, accountants, notaries, real estate agents, restaurants, contractors, dentists, doctors, sports \ grocery \ department \ office suppliers stores, unions, pharmacy, etc.  


Additional sales arguments to GOLD Corporate Sponsors:

In a 3-4 week campaign blitz, participants hand deliver the GOLD Corporate sponsor "message" and reach hundreds to thousands local supporters who will purchase the LeClasp fundraiser product.


Based on $3500.00GOLD Corporate sponsorship and 1000-individuals purchasing one (1) LeClasp, the promotional cost-per-person is $3.50 ($3500\1000)


If you figure the average individual uses his or her LeClasp 16-times per day, then they'll be reminded of the GOLD Corporate sponsorship logos located on the opposite side of LeClasp 5760 times per year. For a basic $3.50 donation per person, the LeClasp Cost-Per-Impression (CPI) is six-thousandths of a cent per day.


Spread that out across LeClasp 3-year period recommended replacement period, and it works out to more than 17,280 impressions, or a CPI of roughly two-thousandths of a cent per day.


Wow... every-day exposure for less than ¼-cent per day!



SILVER CORPORATE ($250 - $1000+)


LeClaspstandard packaging consists of a presentation-quality Business Card poly bag. 


As shown below, up to 25 cards\coupons can be tucked into EACH 3" X 4" size zip lock poly bags. (larger poly bags are available!)


Simply put, you and your group can offer to tuck SILVER Corporate sponsors 1) Personal Business Cards or 2) Special Offer Coupons into the packaging, handed out to every supporter purchasing LeClasp's.


Other sales arguments to SILVER Corporate sponsors:


In a 3-4 week campaign blitz, participants hand deliver the SILVER Corporate sponsorship "business cards or special coupon" and reach hundreds to thousands local supporters who will purchase the LeClasp fundraiser product.


Based on $500.00 SILVER Corporate sponsorship and 1000-supporters purchasing one (1) LeClasp, the promotional cost-per-person is only $0.50($500\1000)


Recipients usually store away business cards in a box\plastic bag or rotary swivel card file box and keep them until the day an electrician, plumber, dentist, etc. is needed for an emergency. 


If you figure the average person will look thru the card file box twice per month, they'll be reminded (sees) the SILVER Corporate sponsorship logos on the business cards 24-times per year. For a basic $0.50 donation per person, the LeClasp Cost-Per-Impression (CPI) is only 2¢ per year.


Spread that out across a 5-year period, and it works out to more than 120 impressions, or a CPI of roughly an incalculable four-hundredths of a cent.


Wow... every-day exposure for less than ¼-cent per day!

Ideal local SILVER Corporate prospects include (florists, roofers, dentists, hair salon, electricians, plumbers, repair garages, clubs, restaurants, associations, foundations, real estate agents, coffee shops, video stores, local watering hole, beer stores,  etc.)



It can take months for most recipients to discover ALL the LeClasp™ advantages.  Don't laugh... For this reason, LeClasp™ ship with Instruction Leaflets tucked into the individual packaging


The explicate text summarizes the three (3) main features and directs recipients to the website for additional applications.


We realize the addition of a creative tag line is sometimes the trick to a successful promotion.  For that reason and as shown below, you and your group can print below the explicate text a personalized tag line



When addressed to an un-expecting recipient, the message builds goodwill and can accentuate a campaign theme, catch phrase, slogan, or you can simply say... Thank You For Your Support!


The OPPOSITE Back side of the LeClasp instruction leaflet sheets is usually used for BILINGUAL language instructions or simply left blank. 


Simply put, you and your group can offer BRONZE Corporate sponsors contributing, for as little as $75.00, to print their company names on the opposite side.


Other sales arguments (benefits) to BRONZE Corporate sponsors:


In a 3-4 week campaign blitz, participants hand deliver the BRONZE Corporate sponsorship "company name advertisement" and reach hundreds to thousands local supporters who will purchase the LeClasp fundraiser product.


Based on $75.00 BRONZE Corporate sponsorship and 1000-supporters purchasing one (1) LeClasp, the promotional cost-per-person is only $0.075($75\1000)


From our experience, LeClasp™ recipients read instruction leaflets and recall messages (company names) starting with "Thank You...". 


Assuming the average person glance the explicate leaflet 3-6 times, the BRONZE Corporate sponsorship LeClasp Cost-Per-Impression (CPI) is $0.018-cents per day ($0.075 divided (4-exposures per supporter))


Hmmm..... the exposure to BRONZE Corporate sponsor is less than 2-cents per supporter.

Ideal local BRONZE Corporate prospects include entrepreneurs, small business owners, individual donators, etc.


 6d) Step #3 - LeClasp sells like hot cakes to


 6e) Step #4 - Calculate LeClasp Sales Break

                       Even Selling Price Point

 6f) More      - LeClasp Cost-Per-Impression

 6g) Download Flier


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